Arbacore pellets share many of the properties of coal
Key for the low investments and fast conversion time is that Arbaflame’s black pellets, Arbacore, share many of the properties of coal. Basically, Arbacore can be transported, stored and handled in the same way as coal.
Moreover, the same equipment, including that for pulverising and combustion of the fuel, can still be used. The energy density of Arbacore’s black pellets corresponds to 76 percent of the energy value of coal while white pellets are typically almost as little as half that of coal.
Background for new R&D activities
The arbaheat project
The ARBAHEAT project aims to develop and demonstrate a new concept for the cost-effective retrofitting of existing fossil-fuel driven power plants via the first-of-a-kind integration of a biomass thermal treatment technology and application of on-site and off-site heat utilisation in an existing ultra-supercritical coal-fired power plant, and to validate operational strategies that prove a feasible and affordable solution for the future energy system.